All I can say is "WOW"

The music was insane. The crowd was awesome. Met a lot of cool people. Even met Antoine and Adam from
Second Sun. It was a zoo outside and took about a half hour to get in. It wasn't too full when we got in... but it filled up really fast. It was almost like the good old days with a lot of people just out having a good time. I was pleasantly surprised that most of the people I talked to were true dance fans and actually knew the music (as opposed to a lot of trendies). The Avalon has a wonderful sound system; it's so loud that the bass feels like a breeze through your hair. The press was out in force at the event, probably more so than at any dj show I've seen. Avalon was the place to be last night. There were people offering $1000 cash at the door just for a chance to try to buy tickets at $100 piece at the box office. I'm realizing that this post is rambling on. I need some sleep.

On a side note... support
Rock the Vote and register to vote. It is time for Americans to take a more active role in choosing our elected officials. Change starts with us!